Caped Crusader
This bald eagle has its eye on a fish as it descends from a high perched tree branch.
Eagle Eye
A bald eagle keeping its eyes focused.
Ice Walker
Sometimes catching fish in winter means getting close to the flowing water. This bald eagle stands on several itches of ice floating on a flowing river.
Winter Guard
A bald eagle standing on snow covered ice on a lake.
I See You
A Sharp Shinned Hawk makes eye contact on a warm spring day.
Sharp Shinned Hawk
A well-fed Sharp Shinned Hawk after a mild winter.
Airing Out
A Great Blue Heron fans out its wings will sunning itself along the river bank.
Exit Stage Right
A pristine white Egret lifts out of the mirror-like water.
Keeping Watch
A Great Blue Heron stands watch along the rocky edge of a raging river.
Peacock Portrait
A close up portrait of an exquisite peacock on a background of its own feathers.
Ready For My Closeup
A stoic Great Blue Heron gives his profile in this closeup portrait.
Winter Visitor
A male snowy owl searching for mice and voles under the frozen ice on this farmers field.
A Quick Visit
An adult osprey stops in for a quick check on the nest.
Dinner Of Dirt
A sandhill crane digging on the dirt for its supper comes up with a patch of dirt.
Egret Lift
An egret flies low over the water.
Food For Two
A mother osprey brings food to her two young osprey that have yet to fledge.
Fresh Bedding
An osprey carrying some fresh leaves and twigs to add to the nest.
Marsh Walker
This non-breeding Glossy Ibis is searching for food in a dense marsh in Florida.
Morning Ritual
A sandhill crane is marking its spot in the early morning.
On Alert
This Great Horned Owl watches the nest from several trees away.
One Crazy Duck
An anhinga perches on a tree branch.
On The Down Low
This sandhill crane is facing off with another crane.
This osprey appears to be bowing its head in prayer.
Parental Protection
A mother and egret chick.
Roaming Free
A sandhill crane takes a lazy walk through the fields.
Shake It Off (Snowy)
This snowy owl, most likely a female, is shaking off the large flakes of snow on this cold wintry day.
Sibling Rivalry
It's survival of the fittest on an osprey nest as these siblings fight over who gets fed next.
Soft As A Feather
A beautiful and regal Egret standing in the trees.
Soft Snowfall
A gentle snowfall of large flakes keeps this snowy owl company on this cold winter day.
Stare Down
A Great Horned Owl watches closely.
Take Off (eagle)
A bald eagle is preparing to take off.
That You
This osprey poked its head above the next to see what all the commotion was about.